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Légende : Le pape Francois est en compagnie du president de la Republique Francaise, Emmanuel Macron, lors de son voyage a Marseille le 23 septembre 2023. Acceuillit au palais du Pharo, le pape Francois va prononcer le discours de cloture des rencontres mediterranenne. Face a la crise migratoire, le souverain pontife appelle l'Europe dans son discours a "un sursaut de conscience pour prevenir un naufrage de civilisation". Sur cette image le vent rabat la soutane du pape sur sa tete. ***** Pope Francis stands with French President, Emmanuel Macron, during his trip to Marseille on September 23, 2023. Pope Francis is welcomed to the "Pharo Palace", where he will deliver the closing speech of the "Mediterranean meetings" In his speech, the sovereign pontiff calls Europe to "A surge of conscience to prevent a shipwreck of civilization" while Europe is facing the migration crisis. On this picture the wind folds the pope's cassock over his head. **** PHOTO : CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / RIVA PRESS.

Photographe : Clément Mahoudeau

Date : 23-09-2023


Région :


Mots-clés : catholic, catholicism, catholicisme, catholique, church, CLERGYMAN, Eglise, Emmanuel Macron, EPISCOPAL, Europe, France, FRANCISCUS, HOLY FATHER, HOMME D’EGLISE, insolite, macron, Marseille, MEDITERRANEAN MEETINGS, OFFICIAL TRIP, Pape, PAPE FRANCOIS, Politics, Politique, PONTIF, PONTIFF SOVEREIGN, PONTIFF VISIT, Pope, POPE FRANCIS, QUIRKY, religieux, Religion, religious, RENCONTRES MEDITERRANEENNE, reportage, SAINT PERE, SOUVERAIN PONTIFE, Visit, Visite, VISITE EPISCOPALE, VOYAGE OFFICIEL