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Titre : Honest heroes make up an indigenous police force

Légende : 09-06-2012. Guerrero, Mexico.
Regional territorial meeting, community of Pascala del Oro. Each community has sent one or several policemen to attend this meeting. All of the regional delegates are present. Together, they aim to define a strategy to combat the threat of multinationals keen to explore the territory to extract silver and gold. Extracting minerals from these open-air mines would have disastrous social and environmental consequences.


Photographe : Pierre-Yves Marzin

Date : 09-06-2012

Ville : Pascala del Oro

Région : Guerrero

Pays : Mexico

Mots-clés : Armes, Armes à feu, Cartels, Community police, corruption, Drogue, Drug, Drug war, Ethnic group, Ethnies, Firearms, Guerre de la drogue, Guerrero, Guns, Indians, Indiens, Indigènes, Indigenous, Indigenous resistance, lutte, Mexican drug war, Mexico, Mexique, Mixtec, Mixtèque, Narcotrafic, paix, Peace, Police communautaire, Precolombian, Précolombien, Prehispanic, Préhispanique, Resistance, Résistance indigène, Struggle, Tlapanec, Tlapanèque, uniform, Uniforme, violence