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Titre : Honest heroes make up an indigenous police force

Légende : 13-06-2012. Guerrero, Mexico.
Community of Buena Vista. The municipal "comisario" plays a key role in the indigenous system of customs and traditions. He is the equivalent of a mayor, elected for a non-renewable one-year term by the village assembly. The people choose him as best suited to maintaining harmony in the community. He is the first person that the community police speak to about disputes and other problems because he is supposed to know the locals the best. On the wall are major figures from Mexican history. Christopher Columbus features alongside the heroes of independence and revolution of 1910.


Photographe : Pierre-Yves Marzin

Date : 13-06-2012

Ville : Buena Vista

Région : Guerrero

Pays : Mexico

Mots-clés : Armes, Armes à feu, Cartels, Community police, corruption, Drogue, Drug, Drug war, Ethnic group, Ethnies, Firearms, Guerre de la drogue, Guerrero, Guns, Indians, Indiens, Indigènes, Indigenous, Indigenous resistance, lutte, Mexican drug war, Mexico, Mexique, Mixtec, Mixtèque, Narcotrafic, paix, Peace, Police communautaire, Precolombian, Précolombien, Prehispanic, Préhispanique, Resistance, Résistance indigène, Struggle, Tlapanec, Tlapanèque, uniform, Uniforme, violence