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Titre : Honest heroes make up an indigenous police force

Légende : 19-05-2012. Guerrero, Mexico.
In an isolated mountainous location that is difficult to access and almost 2,000 meters above sea level, the Zitlaltepec community is the "Casa de Justicia" where prisoners condemned to the heaviest sentences undergo their re-education. This young Mixtec is serving time for parricide. The community policemen have asked him to sing a Mixtec song.


Photographe : Pierre-Yves Marzin

Date : 19-05-2012

Ville : Zitlaltepec

Région : Guerrero

Pays : Mexico

Mots-clés : Armes, Armes à feu, Cartels, Community police, corruption, Drogue, Drug, Drug war, Ethnic group, Ethnies, Firearms, Guerre de la drogue, Guerrero, Guns, Indians, Indiens, Indigènes, Indigenous, Indigenous resistance, lutte, Mexican drug war, Mexico, Mexique, Mixtec, Mixtèque, Narcotrafic, paix, Peace, Police communautaire, Precolombian, Précolombien, Prehispanic, Préhispanique, Resistance, Résistance indigène, Struggle, Tlapanec, Tlapanèque, uniform, Uniforme, violence