Légende : Blagnac, le 17 mars 2020 - Un employe charge la voiture d'un client au Drive de l'hypermarche Leclerc de Blagnac. Le confinement obligatoire en raison de la pandemie de coronavirus Covid-19 debute a midi ce jour. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Blagnac, FRANCE, March17, 2020 - An employee at the Leclerc supermarket Drive service in the Blagnac mall near Toulouse (south-west of France) help a customer loading her shopping in her car on the first day of the containment decided by french government because of the coronavirus covid-19 disease. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press
Photographe : Vincent Nguyen
Date : 17-03-2020
Ville : Toulouse
Région :
Pays : France
Mots-clés : Blagnac, confinement, Consommation, coronavirus, courses, Covid 19, Covid-19, covid19, disease, distance de securite, Drive, epidemic, epidemie, gestes barrieres, grande distribution, grandes surfaces, hypermarche, Leclerc, Mask, masque de protection, Pandemic, Pandémie, Protection, shopping, supermarche, supermarket, Toulouse