Légende : Toulouse, le 15 mars 2020 - Nadia Pellefigue, candidate UNE regroupant PS, PCF et MRG fait une declaration a la presse a son QG de campagne dimanche en fin de soiree. Elle est arrivee en troisieme position du scrutin. Le 1er tour des elections municipales a ete maintenu bien que la France soit entree la veille dans le stade 3 de l'epidemie de Coronavirus Covid-19 qui sevit en France et dans le monde. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Toulouse, FRANCE, March 15, 2020 - Nadia Pellefigue, candidate for the Socialist Party, Communist party and other left wing parties talk to the reporters at her campaign HQ after the first round of the municipal elections in Toulouse (south-west of France). She took the 3rd place. The first round of the elections took place despite the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press
Photographe : Vincent Nguyen
Date : 15-03-2020
Ville : Toulouse
Région :
Pays : France
Mots-clés : 1er tour, coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid-19, covid19, disease, election, elections municipales, epidemic, epidemie, municipales 2020, Nadia Pellefigue, Pandemic, Pandémie, Politics, Politique, Toulouse, vote