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Légende : Toulouse, le 15 mars 2020 - Nadia Pellefigue (G), candidate sur la liste UNE rassemblant le PS, PCF, MRG arrive pour voter pour le 1er tour des elections municipales dans un bureau de vote a Toulouse au lendemain de l'entree dans le stade 3 de l'epidemie de Coronavirus Covid-19 qui sevit en France et dans le monde. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Toulouse, FRANCE, March 15, 2020 - Nadia Pellefigue (L), candidate for the Socialist Party, Communist party and other left wing parties arrives to vote in a polling station for the first round of the municipal elections in Toulouse (south-west of France). The first round of the elections took place despite the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographe : Vincent Nguyen

Date : 15-03-2020

Ville : Toulouse

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : 1er tour, coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid-19, covid19, disease, election, elections municipales, epidemic, epidemie, municipales 2020, Nadia Pellefigue, Pandemic, Pandémie, Politics, Politique, Polling station, Toulouse, vote