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2024-04-21 - Nur Shams refugee camp - Lucien Lung

Aftermath of the Israeli army's 50-hour operation in the Nur Shams refugee camp, near Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank. April 21, 2024. © Lucien Lung / Riva Press

2024-04-09 - Gaza - Airdrop operation with the French army - Lucien Lung

Airborne drop operation (delivery by air) of aid to the Gaza Strip, by the 1st Parachutist Train Regiment of the French army and the Franco-German BATs squad (Binational Aircraft Transport Squadron), also called Rhine- Rhein. April 9, 2024. © Lucien Lung / Riva Press

Leap of Dance Academy - Vincent Boisot

Established in 2017, Leap of Dance Academy is the only classical dance school in Nigeria. In the heart of a disadvantaged neighborhood, in the courtyard of the house of their teacher, Daniel Owoseni Ajala, around twenty students learn ballet.


Report on zebu rustling in Madagascar (16 pages). Awarded by the World Press Photo 2022.

2023-11-01 - Israel left wing portraits - Lucien Lung

Portraits of Arik Ascherman, Israeli Reform rabbi, founder and executive director of the Israeli human rights organization "Torat Tzedek-Torah of Justice", Orly Noy, journalist for the Hebrew media "Local Call", and, Lubna Masarwa, journalist and head of Palestine-Israel bureau of Middle East Eye in Jerusalem, November 1, 2023. © Lucien Lung / Riva Press

Sumo stories - Fabrice Dimier

The best sumo wrestlers are considered half-gods. It's a long way trom the best sumo school clubs where  teenagers try to progress, to professional stamples and tournaments, until reaching the ultimate rank : Yokozuna. 

Nenets, nomadics at the edge of the world - Fabrice Dimier

The Nenets people have resisted sedentism for centuries. The reindeer herding nomads are the last guardians of a territory fiercely coveted by the gas industries.

From darkness to light - Fabrice Dimier

In a country badly lacking in health establishments and with a record rate of blindness, an ophthalmologic hospital-plane flies to the rescue of the blind and visually impaired.

Putin's little soldiers - Fabrice Dimier

They are between the ages of 7 and 14 and come to learn how to fight in the ranks of paramilitary groups during summer camps. These organizations, supported financially by the government, have multiplied in number since Putin came to power.

2023-04 - Jerusalem - Lucien Lung

Images of Jerusalem. Palm Sunday, Christian Representatives and ramadan at Damascus Gate.

