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Titre : Nicolas Sarkozy reçoit le Club de Madrid

Légende : Nicolas Sarkozy receives for lunch members of the Club de Madrid (independent non-profit organization composed of 80 democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from 56 different countries).
Paris - 09/09/2011.
Ricardo Lagos (former president of Chile) - Lionel Jospin (former prime minister of France) - Hong Koo Lee (foprmer prime minister of South Korea) - Photo © Lionel Préau +33 (0)6 68 12 83 77 contact@lionelpreau.com

Photographe : Lionel Préau

Date : 09-09-2011

Ville : Paris

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : 2011, club de madrid, Elysée, G20, hong koo lee, jospin, Lionel Jospin, Paris, Ricardo Lagos