Titre : Honest heroes make up an indigenous police force
Légende : 15-06-2012. Guerrero, Mexico.
Surrounded by policemen, the administrator is held for several hours and ordered to pay each workman before he can walk free. Adriana, the secretary, is carefully writing down the amounts paid out.
Photographe : Pierre-Yves Marzin
Date : 15-06-2012
Ville : San Luis Acatlan
Région : Guerrero
Pays : Mexico
Mots-clés : Armes, Armes à feu, Cartels, Community police, corruption, Drogue, Drug, Drug war, Ethnic group, Ethnies, Firearms, Guerre de la drogue, Guerrero, Guns, Indians, Indiens, Indigènes, Indigenous, Indigenous resistance, lutte, Mexican drug war, Mexico, Mexique, Mixtec, Mixtèque, Narcotrafic, paix, Peace, Police communautaire, Precolombian, Précolombien, Prehispanic, Préhispanique, Resistance, Résistance indigène, Struggle, Tlapanec, Tlapanèque, uniform, Uniforme, violence