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Légende : Toulouse, le 26 octobre 2012 - Des entrepreneurs de la region Midi-Pyrennees manifestent devant le Congres du parti socialiste a Toulouse contre la politique du gouvernement. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
Toulouse, FRANCE, October 26, 2012 - French businessmen demonstrate against the socialist government tax policy at the opening of the Socialist party's congress in Toulouse, south-west of France. The placards reads: "I'm not president but I create jobs" and "Hard life in rose with the socialist party". PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographe : Vincent Nguyen

Date : 26-10-2012

Ville : Toulouse

Région : Haute-Garonne

Pays : France

Mots-clés : businessman, CGPME, chef d'entreprise, chefs d'entreprise, CNPA, Congres, congress, Demonstration, entrepreneurs, Entreprise, gauche, impots, Left wing, Manifestation, Parti socialiste, patron, patrons, PME, Politics, Politique, PS, Socialist, Socialist Party, syndicat patronal, taxes