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Légende : 23/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - Des opposants au regime de transition d'Andry Rajoelina, menes par le Pr Paul RAJOANARIVELO, celebre universitaire et leader du KFP (Comite du Salut Public), se sont rassembles dans le centre ville d'Antananarivo pour reclamer l'acces a la place de la Democratie aux autorites. Apres avoir refuse leur demande les forces anti-emeutes ont disperse la foule. PHOTO : RIJASOLO/RIVA PRESS.*****************

23/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - Opponents of the regime transition of Andry Rajoelina, led by Professor Paul RAJOANARIVELO, leader of KFP (Committee of Public Salvation), gathered in downtown Antananarivo in order to claim to the authorities the access to Democracy Plaza. After having refused their request, the anti-riot police dispersed the crowd. PHOTO : RIJASOLO/RIVA PRESS.

Photographe : Rijasolo

Date : 23-05-2012

Ville : Antananarivo

Région :


Mots-clés : Andry Rajoelina, Antananarivo, anti riot police, contestation, Demonstration, madagascan, Madagascar, Malagasy, Malgache, Manifestants, Manifestation, Police, police anti emeute, policemen, Policiers, Protesters, Rajoelina, Social, Societe, society, transition