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Légende : Paris, le 29 mars 2012 - Un membre de la Brigade anti-negrophobie porte un T shirt " Stop au controle au facies" a la sortie de l'audience du tribunal correctionnel ayant condamne le parfumeur Jean-Paul Guerlain pour injure raciale pour ses propos sur les "negres" en octobre 2010 sur France 2. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Paris, FRANCE, March 29, 2012 - French anti-negrophobia brigade member wears a shirt reading "Stop to appearance-based police control" at the Paris courthouse after perfumer Jean-Paul Guerlain was declared guilty on racial charges after his comments on black people he called "negroes" during a tv interview in october 2010 PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographe : Vincent Nguyen

Date : 29-03-2012

Ville : Paris

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : appearance-based, Black people, brigade anti-negrophobie, colour, controle, court, courthouse, Discrimination, facies, Jean-Paul Guerlain, justice, Noirs, Police, Policier, proces, racism, racisme, Skin, Trial, tribunal