Légende : Reportage a "l'Apres M" a Marseille le 18 octobre 2021. Cet ancien Mc Donald's du quartier Sainte Marthe a ete recupere par ses anciens salaries au terme d'un long conflit social. Ils l'ont dans un premier temps transformes en une plateforme solidaire de distribution de colis alimentaire a destination de populations defavorisees pendant l'epidemie de Covid 19. Ils ont ensuite eu pour projet d'en faire un restaurant solidaire centre sur l'insertion sociale et l'inclusivite. Portrait d'Eric devant l'une des portes de l'ancien Mc Donald's. Eric est benevole et beneficiaire de la banque alimentaire de l'Apres M. ***** Report in the "Apres M" restaurant in Marseille on October 18. The former employees of this McDonald's restaurant, located in northern Marseille, the firm wanted to close, took control of the restaurant after a long social conflict. They transformed the place into a solidarity platform dedicated to food distribution toward disadvantaged populations during the Covid 19 epidemic. Then they planned to tranform it into a solidarity fast food focused on social integration and inclusiveness. Headshot of Eric, volunteer and beneficiary of the Apres M food bank. ***** PHOTO : CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / RIVA PRESS.
Photographe : Clément Mahoudeau
Date : 18-10-2021
Région :
Mots-clés : Aide, aide alimentaire, alimentation, APRES M, banlieue, Banque alimentaire, benevole, benevoles, cité, COLIS ALIMENTAIRES, conflit social, CONTRAT D'INSERTION, cooperative, DEPARTEMENT DES BOUCHES DU RHONE, DISTRIBUTION ALIMENTAIRE, Economie, economy, Emploi, EMPLOYEMENT, ENTRAIDE, Entreprise, Europe, Europe de l'Ouest, Experience, fast food, FAST FOOD SOCIAL, fast-food, FOOD BANK, Formation, France, Headshot, humain, human, inclusion, INCLUSIVITE, L'APRES M, LA PROVENCE ALPES COTE D AZUR, LIEN SOCIAL, MAC DO, Mac Donald, MAC DONALD'S, MACDO, MACDONALD'S, Marseille, MC DO, Mc Donald's, MCDO, McDonald's, MCDONALDS, MUTUAL AID, MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, PACA, POPULAR, POPULATION DEFAVORISEE, Portrait, precaire, precariousness, Precarite, PRECARITY, quartier nord, quartier populaire, quartiers nord, quartiers populaires, reconversion, reinsertion professionnelle, Requisition, restaurant, RESTAURANT ASSOCIATIF, RESTAURANT SOCIAL, Restauration, restauration rapide, SCIC, Social, SOCIAL CONFLICT, Societe, SOCIETE COOPERATIVE D INTERET COLLECTIF, society, Solidaire, Solidarite, solidarity, travail, travailler, travailleur, work