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Ref. : RIVA_LUNG_295708

Titre : LL_RIVA_20211225_Midnight_Mass_Bethlehem_08.jpg

Légende : Messe de minuit pour Noel dans l'eglise (aussi designee comme chapelle) Sainte-Catherine de Bethleem, en Cisjordanie occupee, la nuit du 24 au 25 decembre 2021. © Lucien Lung / Riva-Press *** Midnight mass for Christmas in the Church (also called Chapel) of Saint Catherine, in Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank, on the night of December 24-25, 2021. Lucien Lung / Riva-Press

Photographe : Lucien Lung

Date : 25-12-2021

Ville :

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Mots-clés : Bethleem, Bethlehem, catholic, catholicism, catholicisme, catholique, celebration, Ceremonie, ceremony, Chretien, chretiens, chretiente, christian, Christianity, Christians, christmas, church, CONCENTRATION, Croix, Culte, Eglise, fatigue, franciscain, franciscan, Jesus, Mass, messe, noel, orient, patriarcat, pensif, pretre, reflexion, Religion, thinking, thought, tired, worship