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Légende : Vue aerienne du port industriel de Marseille le 16 septembre 2017. Au premier plan les bateaux de croisiere : MSC MERAVIGLIA (centre) et le Costa Croisieres "Costa Mediterranea" (g). En arriere plan la ville de Marseille ainsi que la tour CMA CGM, siege social et embleme de la compagnie de transport maritime ***** Aerial view of the industrial harbour of Marseille southern France, September 16, 2017. At the foreground the MSC MERAVIGLIA (center) and the Costa Croisieres "Costa Mediterranea" (l) cruise ships. At the background, Marseille city as well as the CMA CGM tower, head office and emblem of the shipping company ***** PHOTO : CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / RIVA PRESS

Photographe : Clément Mahoudeau

Date : 16-09-2017


Région :


Mots-clés : aerien, Bateau, boat, business, cargo, city, Commerce, COMMERCE MONDIAL, container, conteneur, CROISIERE, CROISIERISTE, CRUISE, echange, ECHANGES, Economie, economique, economy, EDIFICE, EMBARCATION, EMBLEMATIC, EMBLEMATIQUE, Emploi, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, environnement, EXCHANGE, exportation, Exterieur, feature, GENERIC, GENERIQUE, Global, GOODS, GRANDE VILLE, harbour, Illustration, importation, IMPORTER, industrial, Industrie, industriel, industry, LANDMARK, lifestyle, Marchandise, Marseille, Megalopole, mer, mer mediterranee, metropole, metropoles, MILIEU URBAIN, MONDE DES AFFAIRES, navire, NAVIRE DE COMMERCE, NAVIRES, pam, paysage, paysage urbain, pollution, polution, port, PORT AREA, port autonome de Marseille, port de marseille, PORT INDUSTRIEL, Quotidien, SCENIC, Ship, ships, sky, town, Trade, traffic, Transport, transport maritime, Transportation, TRANSPORTS PUBLIC MARITIME, travel, TRAVEL DESTINATION, travelling, urbain, urban, urbanisation, urbanisme, vie quotidienne, ville, Vue aerienne, Vue generale, WORLD TRADE, ZONE PORTUAIRE