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Légende : Toulouse, le 9 juin 2020 - Xavier Billy, lightjockey et salarie au O'Club, discotheque a Toulouse. Avec la pandemie du coronavirus Covid-19, les clubs, boites de nuit, discotheques de toute la France, lieux de vie nocturne, de loisir, de fete et de promiscuite incompatibles avec les mesures de protection et de distanciation sociale sont fermes et seront les derniers etablissements recevant du public a pouvoir reouvrir. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Toulouse, FRANCE, June 9, 2020 - Xavier Billy, lightjockey at the O'Club, a nightclub in Toulouse, south-west of France. Since the beginning of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, all the nightclubs of France are closed. Embodiments of the nightlife and promiscuity, they are incompatible with the measures of social distancing and will be the last places to be allowed to reopen. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographe : Vincent Nguyen

Date : 09-06-2020

Ville : Toulouse

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : boite de nuit, closed, club, clubs, coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid-19, covid19, Danse, discothèque, disease, Empty, epidemic, epidemie, faire la fete, Fermeture, fete, loisir, night club, nightlife, Nuit, Pandemic, Pandémie, party, Portrait, Toulouse, vide, Vie Nocturne, Xavier Billy