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Titre : Paris en periode de confinement - Jardin des Tuileries

Légende : Le Jardin des Tuileries a Paris est ferme pendant la periode de confinement due a la pandemie de coronavirus Covid-19. Le 06/05/2020 /// The Jardin des Tuileries in the center of Paris is closed during the period of lockdown due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. On May 6, 2020 /// PHOTO Vincent Boisot

Photographe : Vincent Boisot

Date : 06-05-2020

Ville : Paris

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : Confine, confinement, Confinement de la population, containment, Corona Virus, coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid-19, covid19, desert, Déserte, Empty, epidemic, epidemie, Garden, Gardens, Jardin, jardins, lockdown, Pandemic, Pandémie, Parc, Parc Urbain, Paris, park, quarantaine, quarantine, vide, Virus