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Fabrice Dimier





In Japan, the best sumo wrestlers are considered half-gods. Practicing this ancestral sport is like taking a vow. 1500 years ago, sumo wrestling appeared as religious shinto rituals : fighting and danses were dedicated to gods. Sumo wrestler made of his body a temple which he makes it bigger at the cost of a constant physical challenge.The portfolio Sumo stories : A long way to glory talks about hard way, from the best sumo school clubs where  teenagers try to progress, to professional stamples and tournaments, until reaching the ultimate rank : Yokozuna. All his life long, the sumo wrestlers are aspiring champions. Those Young men dedicate their life to retains time in the thickness of their body, for 3 seconds of falling or a short moment glory.  This is a pursuit of a dream, not only a dream of glory, but a dream of perfection, this is Japan


