Several hundreds of thousands lives have been uplifted by Father Pedro (Père Pedro) and Akamasoa, his humanitarian association in Madagascar.
In 2014, Akamasoa celebrated its 25 years existence, 25 years or perpetual struggle and hassle to fight poverty away, but also 25 years of love given to a marginalized fringe of the population. It all started in 1989, upon encountering the people who were living on the streets and in the garbage dump.
It was impossible to just witness the situation and do nothing about it.
Action was required.. Thanks to the determination and the fortitude of the whole team, now comprising of 484 co-workers - all Malagasy - and thanks to the generosity of numerous men and women, 18 Akamasoa villages have seen the light of the day, and around 11 000 children have successfully been sent to school.
They were only a handful at the beginning. The first collaborators to join them were all volunteers.
Thanks to them, 25 000 people now live in a city that they have themselves built.
(From the book " Akamasoa, rêves d'enfants : 25 ans d'action du père Pedro" Editions du Rocher, 2014)