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Légende : 19/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - Depuis plusieurs semaines, des mouvements de contestations contre le regime de transition d'Andry Rajoelina font monter la tension dans la capitale malgache. Plusieurs milliers de manifestants opposes au regime actuel se sont reunis dans le centre ville d'Antananarivo dans le but de rentrer sur la place de la Democratie. Cette manifestation a ete organisee par les animateurs de la radio FREE FM, un media tres oppose au President de la Transition Andry Rajoelina. Alors que la foule voulait acceder a la place de la Democratie, les forces de police ont violemment disperse la foule au moyen de bombes lacrymogene et en tirant en l'air a balle reelle. Plusieurs blesses legers et une quinzaine d'arrestation. PHOTO : RIJASOLO / RIVA PRESS.***********

19/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - For several weeks, many movements of protests against the Transition Government of Andry Rajoelina escalates the tension in the Malagasy capital. Several thousand demonstrators opposed to the present regime gathered in dowtown Antananarivo in order to take over the Democracy Plaza. This demonstration was organized by FREE FM Radio's leaders, a media very opposed to President of the Transition Andry Rajoelina. As the crowd wanted to reach the Democracy Plaza, the police have violently dispersed them using tear gas and firing real bullet in the air. Several minor injuries and about 15 arrests. PHOTO : RIJASOLO / RIVA PRESS.

Photographe : Rijasolo

Date : 19-05-2012

Ville : Antananarivo

Région :


Mots-clés : Andry Rajoelina, Antananarivo, anti-riot police, blesse, blessure, Crise, crise politique, crisis, Demonstration, Emeute, force de l'ordre, Free FM radio, hat, injured, Injury, Madagascar, Malagasy, Malgache, Manifestation, opposition, partisans, Police, police anti-emeute, policeman, policemen, Policiers, political crisis, pro-Ravalomanana, Rajoelina, Ravalomanana, Riot, Social, Societe, society, supporters, transition, wound, wounded