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Légende : 03/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - Depuis plusieurs semaines, des mouvements de contestations contre le regime de transition d'Andry Rajoelina font monter la tension dans la capitale malgache. Une bombe artisanale a explose en plein centre ville d'Antananarivo faisant 1 blesse. La bombe visait un grand magasin d'electronique appartenant a un "Karana" (ressortissant indo-pakistanais vivant a Madagascar). La communaute "Karana" et française sont souvent accuses par les partisans de l'ex-president Ravalomanana d'avoir facilite la prise de pouvoir par Rajoelina. La veille, une autre bombe artisanale visait l'Institut Français d'Antananarivo sans faire de victime. PHOTO : RIJASOLO / RIVA PRESS.*********

03/05/2012 - Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR - For several weeks, many movements of protests against the Transition Government of Andry Rajoelina escalates the tension in the Malagasy capital. A homemade bomb exploded in downtown Antananarivo injuring 1 person. The bomb targeted an electronics store owned by a "Karana" (Indo-Pakistani citizen living in Madagascar). The "Karana" and French are often accused by supporters of former President Ravalomanana to have facilitated the Rajoelina's Coup d'Etat. The previous day, another bomb targeted the French Institute of Antananarivo with no casualties. PHOTO : RIJASOLO / RIVA PRESS.

Photographe : Rijasolo

Date : 03-05-2012

Ville : Antananarivo

Région :


Mots-clés : Andry Rajoelina, Antananarivo, anti-riot police, Attentat, bomb, bomb attack, Bombe, Crise, crise politique, crisis, Demonstration, force de l'ordre, hat, Madagascar, Malagasy, Malgache, Manifestation, opposition, Police, police anti-emeute, policeman, policemen, Policiers, political crisis, Social, Societe, society, transition