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Ref. : RIVA_NGUYEN_ARCH3_273201


Légende : Paris, le 9 avril 2013 - Manifestation a l'appel de la CGT et FO, contre le projet de loi sur la securisation de l'emploi vote le jour meme a l'assemblee. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Paris, FRANCE, April 9, 2013 - People hold part of a placard reading "Ladies, gentlemen, don't vote for the death" near the french national assembly at the end of a demonstration called by the CGT and FO trade unions to protest against the government's bill to change the labor law according to an agreement signed last January 11th between the MEDEF (the bosses union) and three workers union (CFDT, CFTC, CGC). PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographe : Vincent Nguyen

Date : 09-04-2013

Ville : Paris

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : Accord national interprofessionnel, accord sur l'emploi, ANI, CGT, Demonstration, droit du travail, lay-off, Licenciement, loi, Manifestation, mort, securisation de l'emploi, Syndicats, Trade Union, travail, travailleur, work, workers