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Titre : Nicolas Sarkozy reçoit le Club de Madrid

Légende : Nicolas Sarkozy receives for lunch members of the Club de Madrid (independent non-profit organization composed of 80 democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from 56 different countries).
Paris - 09/09/2011.
Norwegian former prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, French former prime minister Lionel Jospin, Dutch former prime minister Wim Cok and Chile's former president Ricardo Lagos, Ghanean former President John Kufuor, South Korean former prime minister Hong Koo Lee and Canadian former prime minister Kim Campbell - Photo © Lionel Préau +33 (0)6 68 12 83 77 contact@lionelpreau.com

Photographe : Lionel Préau

Date : 09-09-2011

Ville : Paris

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : 2011, club de madrid, Elysée, G20, hong koo lee, John Kufuor, jospin, Kim Campbell, Kjell Magne Bondevik, Lionel Jospin, Paris, Ricardo Lagos, Wim Cok