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Titre : Roma Resistance Day in Paris

Légende : Alina LUPU pictured during the Roma Resistance day in Saint-Denis, near Paris (France), on May 17, 2015.
Alina LUPU, 31, catering employee and volonteer at « La Voix des Rroms »
« I've always been proud of my Romani origins. But I used to hide it in Romania, because of the discriminations. I was afraid to loose my job. When I arrived in France, I met volunteers of "La Voix des Rroms", and they made me change my mind. I now understand how important it is to show who we are, if we want to change stereotypes. ». PHOTO Vincent Boisot

Photographe : Vincent Boisot

Date : 17-05-2015

Ville : Saint-Denis

Région :

Pays : France

Mots-clés : Fete de l'insurrection gitane, Insurrection Gitane, Rrom, Rromani, Rromani Resistance Day, rroms